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The history of Kratos take a flashback with this new upcoming game, God of War: Ascension. It clamed a fourth entry in the series is set for release around September 2012. For the moment it will be playable only for Play Station 3.
Lots of people around the world are waiting for this game, because there is no information about the graphycs, but one thing we can be sure, Kratos will appear ones more!. For the moment we can just wait for more trailer and news about the game.
From a mod of Warcraft III, called DotA (Defense of the Ancient) born this new game that content all the heroes and the old map, but with better quality and effects. So we must ask ourself, what does a hero truly need? Maybe you want to be the strongest hero in Dota 2, the fastest killer that anyone can know how you kill them or maybe wisdom and magic with the four elements are your destiny. Think about it and prepare for a battle between the Sentinels against the Scourge.
You can buy many items and equipment that will help you in the battle, with a right choose of them you can kill what ever you want, or perhaps if you want be a powerful magician who with the support of the elements can make the difference between win and lose, that is for you to decide.
Dota 2 Minimum System Requirements:
* OS: Windows® 7 / Vista / Vista64 / XP * Processor: Pentium 4 3.0GHz * Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista * Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible video card with 128 MB, Shader model 2.0. ATI X800, NVidia 6600 or better * Hard Drive: At least 2.5 GB of free space * Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Dota 2 Recommended System Requirements:
* OS: Windows® 7 / Vista / Vista64 / XP * Processor: Intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz * Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista * Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible video card with Shader model 3.0. NVidia 7600, ATI X1600 or better * Hard Drive: At least 2.5 GB of free space * Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Thisis one of thegreat debatesof our timefor somegamers,since bothgameshave agood track recordoverhis "episodes" andhave gained alarge followingaround the world, here are the trailers ofBF3andMW3
The question is:Which is better?, In my case I will notgive an opinionbutfailsthema video aboutsomecriticism,all I cansay isthat both gameshave goodgraphics performance, maybethe gameplaystand outaBF3little morebecause you cantakealmostanything you wantbutCODonlineleads withits system ofgamelevels andxp.
Here is thepromisedvideo
Minimum requirements:
Operating System: Windows7/Vista Processor:Core 2Duo@2.0GHz RAM: 2GB Graphics:NvidiaorAMDAtiDirectX10/11- 512MB Hard Drive:15 GBoffree disk spaceforthe physical versionor 10GB fordigitalversion
The history continue with this new game development in Blizzard Entertainment,was announced on June 28, 2008. But this year Diablo III will be released on May 15.
The game takes place in Sanctuary, the dark fantasy world of the Diablo series. This world was saved twenty years prior by a handful of unnamed heroes in Diablo II,
having survived the onslaught brought by the armies of the Burning
Hells, Tyrael rewarded the heroes by sending them to safety. It is up to
a new generation of heroes to face the forces of evil threatening the
world of Sanctuary.
Players will have the opportunity to explore familiar settings such as Tristram.
The only confirmed NPCs are Deckard Cain,
who has appeared in both of the previous games, and his niece, Leah, a
new character who accompanies the hero in quests from time to time. The
plot will revolve around two surviving Lesser Evils, Azmodan and Belial,
and an artifact known as the Black Soulstone. Diablo's world map is composed primarily of two main continents with several small islands in the Northwest region.The world of Sanctuary has been dramatically changed by the destruction of the World Stone in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.
This version of Diablo have a new class, called "Demon Hunter". The Demon Hunter combines elements of Diablo II's amazon and
assassin classes. Demon hunters use crossbows as their main weapon and
also throw small bombs at enemies. Some of their skills have been
revealed and among them are arrow skills such as Chain Arrow. The demon
hunter is fueled by discipline and hatred. Hatred is a fast regenerating
resource that is used for attacks, while Discipline is a slow
regenerating resource used for defensive abilities.
With the others classes, diablo III will show amazing battles with differents kinds of skills. You must see it with yours own eyes!, for more information click here.
Minimum System Requirements
*Windows® XP/Vista/7 (latest service packs) with DX 9.0c
*Intel Pentium® D 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 4400+
*NVIDIA® GeForce® 7800 GT or ATI Radeon™ X1950 Pro or better
*1 GB RAM (XP), 1.5 GB (Vista/7)
*12 GB available HD space
*DVD-ROM (required for retail disc versions only)
*Broadband* Internet connection
*1024x748 minimum resolution
*Mac® OS X 10.6.8, 10.7.x or newer
*Intel® Core 2 Duo
*NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600M GT or ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 or better
*12 GB available HD space
*DVD-ROM (required for retail disc versions only)
*Broadband* Internet connection1024x768 minimum resolution
Recommended System Requirements
*Windows® Vista/7 (latest service packs)
*Intel® Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 5600+ 2.8 GHz
*NVIDIA® GeForce® 260 or ATI Radeon™ HD 4870 or better
*Mac® OS X 10.7.x or newer
*Intel® Core 2 Duo
*NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 330M or ATI Radeon™ HD 4670 or better
Kepler GPU Architecture
NVIDIA's Kepler GPU architecture has been designed from the ground
up not just for maximum performance in the latest DirectX 11 games,
but optimal performance per watt. The new SMX streaming
multiprocessor is twice as efficient as the prior generation and the
new geometry engine draws triangles twice as fast. The result is
world class performance and the highest image quality in an elegant
and power efficient graphics card.
Up until now, GPUs have operated at a fixed clock speed when
playing 3D games, even if they have the potential to run faster. GPU
Boost intelligently monitors graphics work load and increases the
clock speed whenever possible. The result is that the GPU always
performs at its peak and you get the highest framerate possible.
NVIDIA Adaptive Vertical Sync
Nothing is more distracting than framerate stuttering and screen
tearing. The first tends to occur when framerates are low, the
second when framerates are high. Adaptive V-Sync is a smarter way to
render frames. At high framerates, V-sync is enabled to eliminate
tearing, at low frame rates, it's disabled to minimize stuttering. It
gets rid of distractions so you can get on with gaming.
NVIDIA Surround with Up To Four Monitors
Nothing is as breathtaking as playing your favorite games
across three monitors. At 5760 x 1080, the expanded field of view
fully engages human peripheral vision and provides for the most
immersive experience in racing and flight simulators. Add in a fourth
display to keep tabs on chat, email or web while you are gaming.
Two New Anti-aliasing Modes: FXAA and TXAA
Anti-aliasing smoothes out jagged edges but can be demanding
on framerates. FXAA is a new antialiasing technology that produces
beautiful smooth lines with minimal performance impact. And with
Kepler based GPUs, you'll be able to enable FXAA in hundreds of game
titles through the NVIDIA Control Panel.
The second mode, TXAA, is an in-game option that combines MSAA,
temporal filtering, and post processing for even higher visual
NVIDIA 3D Vision® Ready
NVIDIA 3D Vision brings a fully immersive, stereoscopic 3D
experience to the PC. A combination of high-tech wireless glasses and
advanced software, 3D Vision transforms hundreds of PC games into
full stereoscopic 3D. Get up to 2x monitor and keyboard brightness with
NVIDIA 3D LightBoost technology. In addition, you can enjoy
3D movies and 3D digital photographs from 3DVisionLive.com in eye
popping, crystal-clear quality.
NVIDIA SLI® Technology
Used by the most demanding gamers worldwide, SLI lets you
link up to three GeForce GTX 680s together for astounding
performance. And with NVIDIA’s track record for fast and frequent
software updates, you’ll not only get the best performance in existing
games, but future games too.
NVIDIA PhysX® Technology Full support for NVIDIA PhysX technology, enabling a totally
new class of physical gaming interaction for a more dynamic and
realistic experience with GeForce.
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Blizzard has revealed more details about it new "DOTA version" for Starcraft II.
Blizzard DOTA's intention isn't just become the masterpiece of tools custom Starcraft II games. The desingers have a long list of targets that they want to archive with Blizzard DOTA.
This new mod will include all blizzard's heroes, this mean a many characters from Diablo, Starcraft and World of Warcraft.
Thrall, Arthas , Zeratul, Uther, Tassadar and many other will be in this mod. Also every single hero will have his own focus, for this reason this DOTA will be unique.
World of Warcraft: Mist of Pandarian is the fouth World of Warcraft expansion pack. Mist of Pandaria will raise the existing level cap from level 85 to 90. It will introduce a new character class, the monk, along with a new playable race, the Pandaren.
There is the trailer that was showed in BlizzardCON the last year.
"Shrouded in fog since the world was sundered more than ten thousand years ago, the ancient realm of Pandaria has remained unspoiled by war, It's luesh forests and cloud-ringed mountains are home to a complex ecosystem of indigenous races and exotic creatures. It is the homeland of the enigmatic Pandaren, a race that celebrates life to the fullest even while under siege by an ancient menance." ( World of Warcraft Official Page )
The Horde and the Alliance are ready for this new challenge, you must choose your side to become part of this world, the World of Warcraft.
Full system requirements have not been announced, but they should be similar to the Cataclysm expansion. Blizzard has confirmed that Mists of Pandaria will not support Windows 2000 or earlier.
NBA2k12is the new releaseof 2KSportswhere they seekto achieve the samesuccessthey had withthepreviousseries(2k11), this timethe creatorschose toaddmode: GreatestPlayerswhere you cantakeplayers likeLarryBird, MagicJohnson, KareemAbdulJabbarand MichaelJordan.
Also thisgame hasgreater access toitsonlinegameplaywhere the playergoesthroughpartiesincreasingtheir levelfrom noviceto becomeAll star.
The newmenuprovides a bettervisualand easierto findthe main modesof play of thisfranchise,alsohas afeature calledNBATodaytoseeimportant dates inthemainmenu(thisfunction is onlyusedwith an Internet connection).
Withoutfurther adohere theofficialtrailer:
The extra:
Minimum Requirements: Operating System: WindowsXP (SP3) / Vista(SP1) / Windows7 (SP1) Processor:Pentium4 2.4GhzSingleCoreprocessoror equivalent(2.8Ghzfor Vista/ 7) RAM:512 MBormore (1GBfor Vista/ 7) Hard Disk Space: 10.5GB Video Card:DirectX9.0c compatible
Recommended Requirements: Operating System: WindowsXP (SP3) / Vista(SP1) / Windows7 (SP1) Processor:3 GHzDual Coreprocessoror equivalent RAM: 2GB Hard Disk Space: 8.5GB Video Card:ShaderModel 3.0supportwith512Ram(Nvidia(R)Geforce(R)7900 GTor better)
Creative DirectorAlexHutchinsonof this excellentgame,takes us outof doubtabout the changes andimprovements thereof.
InUbisoftseveraleyebrowswere raisedwhenthe braverevealedplans forAssassin'sCreedIIIthis month.Ina break with theRenaissance themethat has dominatedthe last threegames,ACIIIchangedits focus tothe desperate andbloody daysofthe American Revolution ina history spanning30 years.Change isstagedby a change inthe character, asKenwayConnortakes thecenter of the screenas anassassincaughtbetween risingatrocities of thePatriots andRedcoats
Question:When it comes tothebasic ingredients ofAmerican history, Americansknowthismaterial.Do you feel pressuretomovepeople likeGeorgeWashingtonin a certain way?Do you havefreedomwith him? AlexHutchinson: One ofthe best things aboutAssassin'sCreedIIIis that we havea lot of informationthis time.Inprevious gameswe werefillingholes, we knewaboutwhat happened,or an opinionof what happened, so we hadmuch to do.But now we knowpretty wellwherethe Founding Fatherswereeveryday of the revolutionand whatthey were thinking.There were manyletter writers, so we hadall sorts ofcrazyinformationwith which to work,BenFranklinweighingthenational birdshould be aturkeyinstead ofan eagle "thief",or his viewson womenand more.
Question: What inspiredthe nameof the protagonistConnorKenway? AH:TheNative American nameis verydifficult to pronounce, isRatohnhaké: ton. We take itvery seriouslywhen we decided tohave anativeAssassinodid not wantaPatriotorRedcoat. We alsolikedthe idea of havingsomeone froma minorityas the main character, especially one who is not representedin popular culture.
This also involvesmany risks, we have hiredan adviser onNative Americato make surewe do thingsproperly, andthe actorwho voicesConnorisalsoa Native American.
Question: There areepicbattlesequencesbetween theRedcoatsand Patriots.How tofightConnorin thebattlefield? AH:The narrativeof the game is"Assassinsagainst Templars," not about savingthe American Revolution.You are involvedinaspects of it, the story startsbefore therevolutionbeginsand continuesthereafter. Sowherever you arein these battles, you'll neverseein the line ofinfantryfiring arifleor servingas a soldier.You havean ulterior motivein combat:Connor's goal iskilling aspecific person.Anyone who livesor diesin this battleis notabout you.
Question:For the first time, Connorhas the ability touse twoweapons at once.How does this changethe paceof combat? AH: We wanteditbring forththe feeling of drivinga predator, so allyourtwo-handcombat is, for examplewith histomahawkand knife, or thehiddenbladeand the knife.There is muchnew equipment,and if you'veseen movies likeTheLast of the Mohicansprobablynot imaginesome of them.But themain battlesystemhasbeencompletelyrebuilt.What thebuttonsdo,how they do, the types ofenemies, strategy andmore.